The Speedlang Contest number 19 had the most different style of Speedlang out of the ones I did, and apparently was also different from all the other Speedlang Contests up until this one. The way forward in this contest was to take a species, look at its habitat, and base our Speedlang on the languages spoken there.
At this time, I was very much interested in the Ainu isolate language, spoken in Hokkaido (and in some other places back then). So naturally I had to find a species only living in this area. My mind wavered between finding a species found in the Japanese archipelago, and in the sea of Okhotsk, the chunk of sea surrounded by Russia, Manchuria China, and Japon Northernmost island Hokkaido. Not very decided, finding out that the largest eagle on Earth, the Steller's sea eagle, was living around the sea of Okhotsk, I had to base my language around there.
So Ekaangäq was born. I based myself mostly on Ainu (the Hokkaido dialect for sake of simplicity) and Uilta, but also Nivkh, Koryak, Alutor, Evenki, and Itelmen just to get that beloved lateral fricative. It was neither a complex nor simple conlang, just right in the middle. What I could agree on was that the words, more so the nouns, were rather suffix-heavy. With plurality, case, and some possessive suffixes as well as alienable suffix added on the top of it, for some more fun.